School Policies

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DWPS Noida Extension has a systematic and organised set of policies to govern the operating procedures and set standards of qualities for learning and set out expectations and accountability.

This is significantly helpful in stating the structure and function of the school to meet the diverse educational needs of the students.

Our School follows certain rules and procedures for the smooth day to day running of school matters and to make sure that students continue to receive quality education.
Policies are important because they help the school establish rules, regulations, protocols and procedures. They create standards of quality in learning, safety as well as expectations and accountability.
To summarise, good, well thought out and implemented policies and procedures ensure:

  • Good practices.
  • Rules and regulations for acceptable behaviour.
  • A professional and effective environment.
  • Consistency amongst staff and students.
  • That they can prevent any ambiguity about how particular situations/issues should be handled, leading to all round fairness.
  • Efficient and effective delivery of the teaching/learning process.
  • Create a safe and productive environment for pupils and staff.
  • Communicate your schools’ core values and principles clearly to staff, parents, governors, and other bodies
  • Help staff carry out their duties effectively.
  • Help to attract prospective parents, pupils, staff, and governors to your setting.
  • Ensure the smooth running of the school – define the school’s rules, regulations, and procedures.
  • Ensure a consistent approach in key areas of school life, for example, behaviour.

1.Homework and Reinforcement/ Enrichment Measures:
Homework assignments are checked and recorded. The teachers ensure that the homework is completed to acceptable standards. Project work is assigned to the students during term breaks. Re- enforcement/ Enrichment classes are undertaken for the children, whenever the need arises.

2.Lost and Found Articles:
Lost and Found articles are placed in the Registration Block. Students must develop the habit of looking after their possessions. In case of loss, they must check the Lost and Found Area immediately. Name, Class and Section and Admission no. must be clearly marked on all the belongings of students. Blazers & Jerseys should also carry their name tag.

3.Telephone calls:
Students should not carry mobiles phones. They can make only urgent calls from the Administrative Office after obtaining written permission from their respective Class teachers.

4.Care for School Property:
Students are expected to respect school property and maintain tidiness of their surroundings. Students, who deface, damage or destroy school material or property, will face disciplinary action and will be required to make financial reimbursement (includes actual cost of furniture/ fixtures and laboratory/sports/music equipment).

5.Identity Cards (RFID):
One RFID Identify Card is issued to each student. Identity card is to be worn daily. Parents Identity Cards must be carried by the parents or any person, duly authorized by the parents, when he/she comes to pick up his/her ward from the school premises or the school bus stop. Duplicate Cards can be obtained by applying for second requisition.

If any student’s turnout is not as per the standard and requirement of school turnout , the following action will be taken by the school:
a.Two times verbal warning.
b.Parents to be informed.
c.Student will be sent home after informing the parents.

Unruly behavior, disruptive tendencies, crude demeanour are prohibited for all including students, teachers, parents and employees. Strict action will be taken if this code of conduct is violated. The school follows the system of issuing Yellow Card to students as disciplinary action.

8.Yellow Card:
Disobedience, indiscipline, disregard of one’s homework, disrespect towards teachers and classmates, violating any code of conduct in the class room as well as in the games field leads to the issuance of aYellow Card. The Yellow Card has to be signed by all the teachers who come to the class on each day of the week during which the student is on the Yellow Card. If the child’s progress and behaviour during the week is satisfactory the Yellow Card is discontinued.

9.Banned Items:
The following items may be hazardous or a distraction to others and should not be brought to the school-

A.Weapons: catapults, knives, sharp objects, firecrackers, lighters or match boxes.Whiteners, drugs and drug related items (unless medically prescribed with proof provided)
B.Undesirable pictures, magazines, books not relevant to the course work. Money, expensive jewellery, expensive watches and toys.
C.Cameras, Mobile phones/IPods/ any other gadgets will be confiscated and will not be returned. The school authorities will not be responsible for the loss of any of the above items brought to the school by D.the students.

10.School Almanac:
Students are required to carry their school Almanac to school daily. Parents should regularly see their ward’s Almanac, notes, circulars etc., and sign all reports sent home. Prescribed textbooks and notebooks are to be carried to school according to the timetable.

11.Medical Leave:
Leave of absence on medical grounds will be granted after submission of a medical certificate duly certified by a Doctor. Do not send your ward to school, is he/she suffers from any infection or contagious disease such as Chicken Pox, Mumps, Measles etc. She/He will be permitted to attend school only after submitting a fitness certificate.

12.Attendance/ Absentee procedure:
Every student is expected to have a minimum of 75% attendance during the session, failing which he/she may not be permitted to take the annual examination.
If a student is absent from school for more than 3 days prior intimation/leave application, addressed to the Principal is a must.
If a child is absent from the school even for a day he/she must submit a leave application addressed to the Principal stating the reason for absence or he/she may intimate through a note in the Almanac/inform the teacher.
Children will not be allowed to go home during school hours. Parents are requested not to make any social engagements or medical appointments during school hours. They are also requested not to send their child to school on that day they have any such appointment.

13.Procedure for procuring Transfer Certificate
This is to apprise you about the: procedure for procuring Transfer Certificate:
A.An application addressed to the Principal should be routed through the Documentation Head in case a Transfer Certificate is to be acquired.
B.Admission fee, Tuition fee and Transport fee are non-refundable once the child joins the school.
C.TC will be issued after the submission of the No DUES in Documentation Department., duly signed by the Class Teacher, Sports Department, Library, Computer Lab, Science Lab Incharges, Transport Incharge, and Accounts Department within twenty five working days.
D.The Class Teacher will consider regularity, punctuality, and behavior of the student for signing the No Dues form.
P.S. – For further clarifications, to check with the Accounts Office.
Parents are requested to complete all formalities in keeping with the school rules in case of withdrawal from school. Progress report and Transfer Certificate will be handed over only when the form is complete and school dues are settled.
The Caution money is refunded after one month from the date on which the TC has been issued.

The school has a well fortified Security System with CCTV cameras installed to ensure safety of its premises and children. It is mandatory for all visitors to register themselves with security personnel at the gate and wait for the permission to be granted before proceeding inside the school premises. All visitors should respect the security checks and extend co-operation towards the security personnel on duty.
Students not availing school transport and those who are granted permission to leave early must collect a Gate Pass and produce it at the school gate. This measure has been introduced for your child’s safety.
A pupil can leave the school premises at timings other that the regular ones, only when permission has been granted against written request from parents.
If, due to an emergency, a child has to depart early from school, the parents must obtain a written permission from the Principal by filling in all details in the Gate Pass issued at the school reception.
No child will be allowed to come to school by self driven vehicles. The school will not be held liable or responsible for any unforeseen happening/mishap/injury caused due to the violation of the rule.
Parents/ Guardians who come to pick up the ward from school must carry the Parent Id card issued by the school authorities.


Delhi World Public Schools are a new chain of schools under the aegis of the DWPS Foundation. We aim to create global citizens as torch bearers of a dynamic and harmonious world
An innovative effort is made to integrate the best ideas in education taken from all good practices in India and around the world. Emphasis is laid on learning from the environment combining spiritual philosophies with different subjects in the curriculum. The school environs promote “LEARNING THROUGH NATURE EXPERIENCE” as students are encouraged to observe and appreciate greenery and natural environment.

A school with such illustrious background has a clear and well laid out Admission policy.

Registration Procedure:
Registration forms are to be filled in and submitted to the School Office before the end of Registration period. Date for interaction is given at the time of registration.
Admission Procedure:
a)An Aptitude Assessment (offline/online) for students seeking admission to Class I and upwards is conducted after registration
b)Candidates who clear the assessment are called for an interaction.
c)Parents must pay the fee by the scheduled date to reserve their ward’s seat.
Parents are requested to carefully fill and submit the Admission Form, Transportation Form and Medical Form at the time of payment of fee.
The Date of birth of the child is required to be supported by Birth Certificate in original issued by the Municipal Corporation/ Local Body as applicable along with a certified Photostat copy.
Original Transfer Certificate is required from the previous school for students seeking admission in Class-II and above.
The child will be granted an RFID Card along with parent ID Card only after all forms are duly filled and the admission formalities are complete.
The newly admitted is inducted into the school system


Regular and punctual school attendance is a key factor to ensure that students take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them. Research in this area is very clear that regular attendance is critical to student achievement. The primary goal of this policy is to promote consistent attendance and enhance the learning environment for all the students.
The policy applies to all children registered at this school and this policy is made available to all stakeholders.

Children who are persistently late or absent soon fall behind with their learning and frequently develop large gaps in their learning which impacts their progress and their ability to meet learning expectations. A child whose attendance drops lower than 90% . Each year will have missed significant learning outcomes, and it is likely their achievement levels will be negatively impacted.

Advantages of Attendance policy

When strategized correctly, an attendance policy can provide numerous benefits to the institution :

Smooth workflow: Formalized schedule and absence expectations provide ample notice if they plan to be absent from school.

Universal standards: A standardized policy ensures that all students are held equally accountable

Reduced absenteeism: Track attendance to identify and resolve excessive absences

Improve morale: Addressing absenteeism can improve morale by preventing students taking an excessive absence from school.

1.Aims- The school is committed to meeting the obligations with regards to school attendance by:
Promoting good attendance and reducing absence, including persistent absence

Ensuring every student has access to full-time education to which they are entitled to
Acting early to address patterns of absence

Parents are supported to perform their legal duty to ensure their children of compulsory school age attend regularly and will promote and support punctuality in attending lessons.

2.Expectations: students are expected to attend all classes regularly and punctually. A written application from parents stating the reason for absence is required upon the student’s return to school. Every student is expected to have a minimum of 75% attendance during the session, failing which he/she may not be permitted to take the annual examination.

3.Attendance register: An Attendance Register is maintained in which all the students’ names are entered in this register. Attendance is marked at the start of the first session of each school day and once during the second session. It will mark whether every student is:
Attending an approved off-site educational activity
Unable to attend due to exceptional circumstances

4.Following up absence – Where any child we expect to attend school does not attend, or stops attending, the school will :
Follow up on their absence with their parent to ascertain the reason, by email, telephone or letter
Ensure proper safeguarding action is taken where necessary
Send a truancy call home via text message.
Identify whether the absence is approved or not.

5.Procedure for Planned absence – Attending a medical appointment will be counted is authorised if the student’s parent/guardian notifies the school in advance of the appointment. However, parents/guardians are encouraged to make medical and dental appointments out of school hours where possible. Where this is not possible, the student should be out of school for the minimum amount of time necessary. The student’s parent/guardian must also apply for other types of term-time absence as far in advance as possible of the requested absence.

i)Approved absence: these include illness, medical appointments, or family emergencies. Students are responsible for making up missed work within a reasonable timeframe.
ii)Unapproved absence: if a student accumulates unexpected absences, consequences may include academic penalties, parental meetings or other disciplinary actions.
iii)Excessive absence: students exceeding a specified limit of absence may face grade deductions or be subject to an attendance review process.:

7.Early Dispersal: Parents / guardians should notify the school in advance for early dispersal. Students leaving early should be picked up by the parent/ guardian after duly filling up the Gate Pass and seeking approval from the Class Teacher, Wing In charge and Principal.

8.Strategies for promoting attendance – Recognizing and rewarding good attendance through awards or other positive incentives is the policy of the school. Certificates are awarded annually for100% and 95-99% attendance and punctuality, as well as end of year badges.

9.A user-friendly E-portal has been launched

Attendance For daily view of the attendance of your ward Calendar to view the upcoming events, holidays, and happenings in school.
Homework uploaded for the parents to view and to help their ward Report Card and Continuous Assessment details can be viewed regularly
Circular Section to keep you updated
Photo Gallery shows the photographs of the events happening in the school.

The primary focus at Delhi World Public School Noida Extension is on the holistic development of every student. We seek to build within each student a love of learning, a sense of responsibility, self-discipline, a positive self-image, and respect for others. Students are expected to make positive behaviour choices that promote their safety, the safety of others, and a productive learning environment. School discipline is a collaborative effort by the parents, guardians, students, and staff. The focus of the Discipline Policy is to promote positive behaviour choices by recognizing students who engage in consistent positive behaviour. However, mistakes are a natural part of growth. We help students reflect on errors in judgment and behaviour and support them in learning how to make better decisions. We teach and model positive behaviour including listening, cooperation, and mutual respect. We encourage students to make independent decisions and act responsibly towards others and with property. When this occurs, we believe that a very positive and productive teaching-learning environment will result, enabling students to strive for excellence.

Students are responsible for their personal conduct and for contributing to a positive school environment by maintaining order, self-discipline and consideration for the rights and property of others.

Work Ethics
To be regular, up-to-date with work done daily in class.
for tests, assignments, examinations, competitions to be well-planned and organized.
Notebooks must be neat and orderly. No unnecessary scribbling etc.

Staying back beyond school hours require the requisite permission from parents, concerned teacher and supervisor.
Change of residence, phone numbers to be intimated to school authorities immediately (School Register / Class Teacher / Admin Officer).
Letter from parent when absent (short / long).
Students are expected to listen and follow all teacher directions for Classwork, homework, class decorum. Discipline within class

Possible consequences: Staff/student conference, removal from situation, referral to the Section Head, parent/guardian notification, parent/guardian meeting, loss of privileges and yellow card.


Students to maintain appropriate decorum and walk quietly in an orderly fashion through the corridors at all times. This norm will be respected during the instructional school day and with consideration for others who are working.

Possible consequences: Staff/student conference, removal from situation, referral to the Section Head, parent/guardian notification, parent/guardian meeting, loss of privileges and yellow card.


Sit quietly at specific desk, read quietly, prepare for exam. All bags, books etc to be left outside classroom in a neat line.
No unfair means to be resorted to. No marks will be awarded if unfair means is used.
Be prepared with own set of pens, pencils, geometry boxes etc, no borrowing / lending permitted.
Any doubt in question paper or otherwise to be cleared with invigilator on duty. Talking to another student strictly not permitted.

Disciplined behaviour at all times.
Move in neat lines from classrooms to auditorium.
No talking during presentations/address by guest speakers/when the compere speaks.
Disciplined, quick, orderly dispersal at the end.
Co-operation and courtesy to be shown to all.

Students are expected to respect the rights of others and act responsibly in restrooms. Any misuse of towels, toilet paper, soap, defacing of restroom facilities, and the like, constitutes destruction of property.

Possible consequences: Staff/student conference, removal from situation, referral to the Section Head, parent/guardian notification, parent/guardian meeting, yellow card.


To adhere to the prescribed uniform.
Their hair should be well groomed, girls should tie up their hairs properly and students should not use any dye in their hairs

Nails should be trimmed and students should maintain proper physical hygiene at all levels.

Students should not wear any sort of accessories in their hands.No expensive or digital watches are allowed.


Students are required to adhere to the school transportation rules and regulations strictly. They must conduct themselves in a proper fashion for the smooth and safe transportation for each and every student. They should abide by the following rules:

●Should always wear the seat belt in the bus

●Bullying of any kind is strictly prohibited

●Students should keep seated at their designated seats during the entire trip and should not get up while the vehicle is in motion.

●Students should refrain from any aggressive behaviour which leads to fighting or use of abusive language during transportation. They can register their complaints to the teacher in charge/s of the bus which will be addressed in a just manner by the school.

●During transportation instructions by teachers as well as by security guards have to be followed without fail.

●The seats shall be allocated to students as well as staff.


While most students consistently observe these standards and behave safely and appropriately, there are times when misbehaviour warrants intervention and consequences. Teachers and other staff use a variety of classroom and behaviour management strategies to address such behaviour. When these strategies are not successful in changing that behaviour and serious incidents occur, it is necessary for additional action to be taken. The following pages outline those disciplinary actions.

Careful consideration is given to individual situations, so that the School & response to the student is appropriate. Consequences may be increased in cases of repeat offenses. Suspensions will be considered when behaviour is disruptive and detrimental to the operation of the school.

Some unacceptable behaviour choices
Constant distraction or lack of concentration.
Chewing gum.
Bullying/Fighting/Swearing/Bunking classes or school. Absence without leave note.
Fee defaulters.
Disobedience/ Misbehaviour.
Bringing unwanted literature/ equipment CDs / mobile phones to school.
Bringing valuables and large amount of cash


DWPS ensures a comprehensive and exhaustive evaluation of the school’s facility to meticulously determine the appropriateness and unwavering adherence to the exacting standards prescribed by Examination Boards. The cell formulates meticulous blueprints for the maintenance, refurbishment, and expansion of the school’s physical infrastructure, specifically aligning them with the precise specifications mandated by examination authorities.
The school has established an exclusive examination-centric facilities and innovative laboratories furnished with cutting-edge resources and state of- the-art equipment to seamlessly cater to the intricate practical and
technical requisites of the examination protocols. The school also implements stringent quality assurance protocols to ensure unwavering compliance of all the resources with the rigorous standards stipulated by the examination authorities, guaranteeing an environment conducive to optimal student performance.

1.Storage of Question Papers and Confidential Material:
The question papers and other highly sensitive materials are securely stored within a designated, well-protected cupboard.

2.Reinforced Security Measures:
The cupboards are equipped with an ample number of sturdy locking bars, meticulously designed to thwart any unauthorized access by reinforcing the doors and drawers.

3.Robust Padlocks:
The padlocks utilized to secure the external locking bars boast exceptional strength and durability, offering an additional layer of impregnability.

4.Continuous Locking of the Secure Cupboards:
The secure cupboards housing the exam materials remain diligently locked in the Strong Room at all times, ensuring uncompromised security throughout their storage duration.

5.Fortified Storage Room: The secure cupboards find its abode within a locked room, within the confines of a structurally robust Strong Room. The walls, ceiling, and floor of this room are constructed with solid materials, providing a fortified defence against any breach attempts.

6.Persistent Room Locking:
To uphold the integrity of the storage area, the secure room is consistently kept locked whenever it is not in active use.

7.Reinforced Structure:
The walls and ceiling of the secure room exhibit remarkable solidity, being composed of sturdy concrete materials that fortify its impregnability.

8.Exclusive Usage Of Exam Materials:
The designated storage room serves as a dedicated “secure room” exclusively reserved for the storage of exam-related materials, ensuring a focused and safeguarded environment.

9.Uninterrupted Alarm Activation:
The secure room alarm system remains diligently activated at all times when the room is not in use, ensuring continuous surveillance and immediate response to any potential security breaches.

10.Installation of cameras:
Cameras are installed to keep a remote watch over
the Strong Room in the absence of the Exam officials in the school.

11.Authorized Key Holders:
A limited number of authorized examination members, including the Principal, Exam Head, and a designated staff member as co-examiners, are entrusted with the responsibility of holding the keys to access the secure storage facility.

12.Principal’s Role in Appointing Head Examiner:
The Principal assumes the crucial responsibility of appointing the Head Examiner, ensuring expertise and adherence to the institution’s standards.

13.Comprehensive Understanding of Regulations:
The examination members possess a comprehensive understanding of the institution’s stringent question paper regulations, ensuring adherence to established guidelines and maintaining the integrity of the examination process.

14.Stringent Sealing and Opening Procedures:
The question papers are meticulously sealed in a manner that guarantees their confidentiality, and they are only opened in the presence of the head of the institution, precisely thirty minutes before the scheduled exam.

15.Methodical Answer Sheet Handling:
The exam assistants meticulously count and collect the answer sheets, which are then counter-signed by the invigilators, adding an extra layer of accountability.

16.Secure Handover to Evaluators:
Subsequently, the examination head carefully transfers the answer sheets to the evaluators, ensuring a secure and traceable transfer of these essential evaluation materials.

There is regular assessment of a child’s performance in each subject and extensive evaluation is carried out by the teachers. A revision schedule is also be followed.
There are three cycles of Evaluation Tests per Term for classes I to IV and Periodical Tests, Term I & Term II Exams and Annual Examination is conducted for classes V upwards.
Once the ET/P.T. is over, no student is allowed to go home, without prior parental permission from the Principal.
Student suffering from fever, cold, flu or any other kind of ailment which can be transmitted to others, should not come to school during PT/ET/Term Examinations.
Students who miss PT/ET due to medical reasons should submit a medical certificate for the same, to their Class Teachers, within 3 working days.
No retest shall be conducted for students who miss PT/ET for I -X.
A uniform system of assessment has been introduced for classes V to XII. The assessment structure comprises of two terms i.e. Term 1 and Term 2. Each term has the following criteria of assessment –

Classes V-VIII
PT (Periodic Test) 10 marks
NBS (Notebook Submission) 5 marks
SEA (Subject Enrichment Assessment) 5 marks
Term I/Term II Exam 80 marks
Classes IX-X
➢PT (Periodic Test) 5 marks
➢Multiple Assessment 5 marks
➢Portfolio 5 marks
➢SEA (Subject Enrichment Assessment) 5 marks
➢Term I/Term II Exam 80 marks

Classes XI-XII
UT + RT = 10marks
Practical Exam, Theory Exam, Term I and Term II (as per CBSE guidelines)

The volume of portion to be tested in Term 2 is as follows:
V-VI 10% of Term 1 portion covering significant topics and entire syllabus of Term 2.
VII 20% of Term 1 portion covering significant topics and entire syllabus of Term 2.
VIII 30% of Term 1 portion covering significant topics and entire syllabus of Term 2.
IX- XII Entire Syllabus in Term 2.

Students have multiple assessments based on class observations, oral tests, individual or group project work, class discussions, field work, concept maps, graphic organisers, visual representations etc.

Grades are awarded to the students in co-curricular activities which cover physical activities, visual and performing arts (drawing, painting , dance , music)


Principles of teaching and learning

Learning is a never-ending process involving a range of resources. It is a shared responsibility amongst all the staff members and parents, for the benefit of the students. At DWPSNE we understand that it is important to educate students, However, it is equally important to impart education to the parent body, teachers, governing body, administration staff and other ancillary staff members, who work closely to support the learning process for our students. It is also essential to have a conducive learning environment for students to enjoy every step of this learning process. The teaching and learning at DWPSNE
caters to the needs of diverse learners supported by a developed learning support department.

We provide high quality education in a safe, caring, sharing and learning environment, holding onto the strong human values. Teaching happens when students learn, hence keeping the students in the centre of all process we begin our journey.

VALUE EDUCATION : To create an environment that encourages freedom of thought, while inculcating self-discipline, punctuality, fair play and industry.

HOME AWAY FROM HOME : To provide a home away from home, where care and nurturing are balanced with the emotional and intellectual needs of a child.

ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE : To nurture curiosity and discovery in our students and to make them lifelong learners that excel in academics; explore the inter-connectivity of disciplines and grow into active creators of knowledge themselves.

CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES : To provide our students with the opportunities to experience and appreciate a broad range of creative and performing arts, physical activities and sports, to imbibe team spirit and contribute to the holistic growth and development of the child – finding balance in developing heart, mind and body.

TEACHING STRATEGY : To constantly evolve our teaching strategies, incorporating new methodologies and technologies to enable diverse learning styles and aligning those with advanced skills.

COMMUNITY SERVICE : To learn about the social, humanitarian and environmental issues, and to give our students the opportunity to engage with local communities and service organizations and work with them to contribute to improvement of their concerns and issues; kindling a sense of self-awareness and responsibility for the communities we all belong to.

TECHNOLOGY : To learn about how technology can be leveraged to enhance learning, increase our access to information and advance our knowledge and skills throughout the academic journey and beyond.

INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION : To discover the latent potential in each child through individual attention and providing them with opportunities to hone their skills and talents to their full potential.

COUNSELLING : To monitor the essential growth of social, cognitive and spiritual facets of our children, and support them in making fulfilling life and career choices.

MULTICULTURAL : To embrace diversity and foster respect for all cultures and creed, by creating a multicultural and secular ambience.

•To provide a joyful and engaging learning experience
•To enable students to be passionate about their learning, and Staff about their teaching
•To identify the individual needs of the child and to modify the teacher’s teaching style accordingly
•To identify the students’ areas of special interests among the subjects learnt
•To connect the academic subjects to the varied co-curricular activities they are involved in
•To link subjects with real life experiences during the teaching and learning process
•To develop in our students’ subject knowledge and focus on the cross curricular links
•To be sensitive to the needs and requirements of fellow beings and the environment
•To improve the achievement levels of the students as a result of the differentiated teaching styles.
•To support teachers with adequate resources for their teaching
•To provide ample opportunities for professional development
•To enable students to become confident learners and responsible global citizens
•To adopt Approaches to Teaching and Learning (ATTL) skills in the Teaching Learning process and oversee its effective implementation in classroom situations, in the ongoing school process
•To adhere to the IB Learner Profile in all aspects of learning and teaching in order to empower the students with independent learning skills and learning responsibilities across the sections
•To incorporate Learning Diversity as an essential part of Special Education Needs.
•To promote a class and school environment that welcomes and acknowledges the diversity of learners
•To introduce a system of self-reflection and peer review to support the diverse learners in developing self-confidence and become advocates for their own learning.
•To connect the academic subjects to the varied co-curricular activities the students are involved in.


•Provide a stimulating learning and teaching environment
•Create a physically and emotionally safe environment
•Align with the SEN Policy adopted by the school in keeping with the changes in the perspective of modern education
•Identify students with Special Needs and create an individual plan to accommodate learning strategies for students with Special Education Needs
•Create a healthy and joyful learning environment where students with Special Education needs are catered to and not particularly discriminated
•Provide learning facilities to students with Special Educational Needs who require time and space for imbibing lessons
•Provide examples to the school community on sustainable development
•Provide opportunities to offer meaningful solutions to underprivileged members of the society
•Provide facilities to embrace information communication technology and experiential learning
•Provide facilities to imbibe ATTL skills throughout the school community
•Supply adequate resources required for teaching and learning
•Provide time for planning and preparation of lessons
•Employ appraisal systems that are transparent and which will improve teaching & learning.
•Reward and encourage students and teachers
•Provide teachers with adequate professional development opportunities
•Provide opportunities for teaches to collaborate with one another

while planning the curriculum and during classroom delivery.


•Be courteous, respectful and open to correction
•Be enthusiastic learners
•Be inquirers
•Be responsible to learn the key skills in all the subjects offered
•Take responsibility for their own learning in the spirit of academic honesty
•Develop curiosity in knowing and applying the knowledge acquired to the real life situations
•Seek extra help / tuitions whenever required
•Participate in all the activities of the school and link to their subjects
•Reflect on the feedback given and make positive rectifications
•Develop a sense of purpose through their learning and be goal oriented
Develop a value based and ethical outlook towards life
•Participate in academic and co-curricular activities which develops awareness and sensitivity to global issues encompassing all aspects of life
•Be sensitive to the feelings of peers and welcome and acknowledge peers identified as diverse learners or learners with special educational needs.

Teachers’ Professional Development

•participating in weekly PD sessions
•reading professional literature
•peer support and coaching
•attending conferences and workshops/sharing sessions
•workshops and training to hone specific skills and competencies
•taking part in school-based in-service activities/sessions
•visiting other schools and institutions
•engaging in online courses/workshops
•enrolling in PLC
•attending Online Professional Training by reputed International organisation.
•frequent talks and seminars by outsourced resource person
•Lit Wit sessions and Micro teaching sessions
•Implementing innovative strategies collaboratively
The safety and security of the students is a prime concern of the school. The safety measures adopted by the school encompasses the overall safety of the students. Utmost care is taken by the school to ensure security of each and every child. However in case of any unforseen circumstances the school will not be held responsible.

Late entry to school is strictly not allowed.
Any person seeking entry to the school is allowed after showing the parent ID card. Visitors are allowed inside the premises only after verifying the identity proof. In addition to the existing number of security guards two more lady guards have been stationed at important points.
Metal detectors are being used to carry out the security check of all the entrants to the school.

CCTV Cameras
Cameras are installed at various strategic points in school to monitor the movement in the corridors during school time. The spots for fitment of cameras have been carefully chosen to monitor the entry and exit of the visitors too.

The GPS navigation system helps parents as well as school officials to track the fleet of buses during pick and drop of students. Each bus is manned by responsible driver, conductor and a maid to take care of the children. Each bus is under the supervision of a teacher who is the Route In charge. Teacher is the first person to board the bus and the last person to leave the bus.

School buses are regularly and strictly monitored by the Principal, Vice Principal, HM/Wing Coordinators, Transport In charge, Administrative Officer personally. The students on foot are also carefully handed over

to the parent or guardian from the school dispersal area after checking the Identity card provided by school.

Parents receive a message confirming the arrival of their ward to school and their ward’s attendance in class.

Due to any emergency or medical reasons is ensured by the gate pass which is counter signed by the Class teacher, Coordinator, Transport In charge, Administrative officer and finally by the Principal. Parent ID cards are checked before handing over the student.

All the entries and exits of washrooms are monitored by CCTV Cameras. All the Pre- Primary children are accompanied by Ayahs. The male staff cleans the boys’ washroom and female staff take care of girls’ washroom. Emergency bells have been installed in wash rooms.
There are separate washrooms for students, teaching faculty and administrative staff. There are two washrooms only for the housekeeping staff at Gate No.1 and Gate No.2 which are used exclusively by them.

The Emergency Response Team will promptly intervene and respond to crisis situation, if any. The Security Panel community reviews all the security policies from time to time.

A Health Crisis Team has been formed with the sole purpose of promoting healthy habits in children. Health checkups are regularly conducted to keep a check on the proper physical growth of the children.

The indoor sports arena has a rubber padded floor to ensure no injury to students while playing.

The Central security alarm has been installed for security of the students, if the need arises.

Mock drills have been conducted during school hours to apprise the students about emergency exit during an emergency.
Fire extinguishers have been installed at strategic points for the safety and security of our children. We keep a close check on the expiry date.

Police verification is ensured for all teaching, non-teaching and support staff in campus.

Everyone in the institution is expected to follow the workplace security policy. The institution is thus safeguarded against internal and external threats. The safety and security policies play a crucial role in keeping the employees and students safe and secure. It also has some typical security policies such as mandatory password changing ,unique WiFi codes, frequent audits, and updating the policy regularly.


The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child enshrines the right of every child to protection from harm and abuse. The government of India is a signatory to the convention, having ratified it on 11th December 1992. It is incumbent on all authorities dealing with children and indeed all adults who are part of Indian society to ensure that all children are sheltered, either by adults or peers, to the best of their ability. All incumbents have been entrusted with the responsibility to ensure that children are safeguarded. It is imperative for the members of the community, specifically teachers and dorm parents, to observe changes in student behaviour and recognize outward signs of abuse. It is vital that they are alert to the signs of any distress and understand the school’s Child Protection Policy.

Child abuse and neglect are of growing concern in schools throughout the world. Child abuse and neglect are violations of a child’s human rights and are obstacles to the child’s education as well as their physical, emotional, and spiritual development. DWPSNE endorses the Convention on the Rights of the Child, of which the host country, India, is a signatory and seeks to be a safe haven for students who may be experiencing abuse or neglect in any aspect of their lives.

DWPSNE will maintains an updated manual to assure correct procedures and processes remain in place to protect all students. DWPSNE provides training for all staff and makes every effort to implement the practices to ensure the safety of children.

Types of Abuse

Physical Abuse: where adults physically hurt or injure a young person or vulnerable adult e.g. hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning, biting, scalding, suffocating, drowning. Giving young people alcohol or inappropriate drugs would also constitute abuse.

This category of abuse can also include when a parent/carer reports non- existent symptoms or illness deliberately causes ill health in a young person they are looking after.

In a sports situation, physical abuse may occur when the nature and intensity of training disregards the capacity of the child’s immature and growing body

Emotional Abuse: the persistent emotional ill treatment of a young person or vulnerable adult, likely to cause severe and lasting adverse effects on the individuals emotional development. It may involve telling the individual they are useless, worthless, unloved, inadequate or valued in terms of only meeting the needs of another person. It may feature expectations of young people that are not appropriate to their age or development. It may cause an individual to be frightened or in danger by being constantly shouted at, threatened or taunted which may make the young person or vulnerable adult frightened or withdrawn.

Ill treatment of children and vulnerable adults, whatever form it takes, always features a degree of emotional abuse.

Emotional abuse in sport may occur when the young person is constantly criticised, given negative feedback, expected to perform at levels that are above their capability. Other forms of emotional abuse could take the form of name calling and bullying.

Bullying may come from another young person or an adult. Bullying is defined as deliberate hurtful behaviour, usually repeated over a period of time, where it is difficult for those bullied to defend themselves. There are three main types of bullying.

It may be physical (e.g. hitting, kicking, slapping), verbal (e.g. racist or homophobic remarks, name calling, graffiti, threats, abusive text, email or chat room messages), emotional (e.g. tormenting, ridiculing, humiliating, ignoring, isolating form the group), or sexual (e.g. unwanted physical contact or abusive comments).

In sport bullying may arise when a parent or coach pushes the young person too hard to succeed, or a rival athlete or official uses bullying behavior.

Neglect occurs when an adult fails to meet the young person or vulnerable adults basic physical and/or psychological needs, to an extent that is likely to result in serious impairment of their health or development. For example, failing to provide adequate food, shelter and clothing, failing to protect from physical harm or danger, or failing to ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment.

Refusal to give love, affection and attention can also be a form of neglect.

Neglect in sport could occur when a coach does not keep the young person safe, or exposing them to undue cold/heat or unnecessary risk of injury.

Sexual Abuse occurs when adults (male and female) use children or vulnerable adults to meet their own sexual needs. Siblings and family members can be the abuser. This could include full sexual intercourse, masturbation, oral sex, anal intercourse and fondling. Showing individuals pornography or talking to them in a sexually explicit manner are also forms of sexual abuse.

Indicators of Abuse

Even for those experienced in working with abuse, it is not always easy to recognise a situation where abuse may occur or has already taken place. Most people are not experts in such recognition, but indications that a child or vulnerable adult is being abused may include one or more of the following:

unexplained or suspicious injuries such as bruising, cuts or burns, particularly if situated on a part of the body not normally prone to such injuries
an injury for which an explanation seems inconsistent
the young person or vulnerable adult describes what appears to be an abusive act involving them
another young person or adult expresses concern about the welfare of a young person
unexplained changes in a young person’s behaviour e.g. becoming very upset, quiet, withdrawn or displaying sudden outbursts of temper
inappropriate sexual awareness engaging in sexually explicit behaviour
distrust of adults, particularly those whom a close relationship would normally be expected
difficulty in making friends
being prevented from socialising with others
displaying variations in eating patterns including over eating or loss of appetite
losing weight for no apparent reason becoming increasingly dirty or unkempt

Signs of bullying include:

behavioral changes such as reduced concentration and/or becoming withdrawn, clingy, depressed, tearful, emotionally up and down, reluctance to go training or competitions
an unexplained drop off in performance
physical signs such as stomach aches, headaches, difficulty in sleeping, bed wetting, scratching and bruising, damaged clothes, bingeing e.g. on food, alcohol or cigarettes
a shortage of money or frequents loss of possessions
It must be recognised that the above list is not exhaustive, but also that the presence of one or more of the indications is not proof that abuse is taking place. It is NOT the responsibility of those working
for DWPSNE to decide that abuse is occurring. It is their responsibility to act on any concerns.

Use of Photographic/Filming Equipment at Sporting Events

There is evidence that some people have used sporting events as an opportunity to take inappropriate photographs or film footage of young people and vulnerable adults. Staff should be vigilant and any concerns should be reported to the committee.

To safeguard children and vulnerable adults along with the privacy of all adults DWPSNE has a strict No photography or filming policy in all classes where children or vulnerable adults are present.

In any other course photography or filming may only take place with the written consent of the participants.

Procedure for reporting suspected cases of child abuse or neglect. Step 1
When a child reports abuse or there is reasonable cause to believe that abuse is occurring, the teacher will seek advice from the counselor within 48 hours. The counselor will take initial steps to gather information regarding the reported incident and in cases of serious physical or sexual abuse or neglect, will immediately inform the Head of School and together they will set up a school- based response team to address the allegation. The response team will include the school nurse, counselor, Principal and other individuals as the Head of School sees fit. In all cases, follow up activities will be conducted in a manner that ensures that information is documented factually and that strict confidentiality is maintained.

Interview staff members as necessary and document information related to the case.
Consult school personnel to review the child’s history in the school.
Determine the course of follow-up actions

Step 2 Minor Cases
Most minor cases of suspected abuse or neglect will be handled by school counsellors, such as those involving:

Student relationships with peers
Parenting skills related to disciplining children at home Student-parent relationships
Mental health issues such as depression, low self-esteem, grieving.


The ICT Policy in School Education aims at preparing youth to participate creatively in the establishment, sustenance and growth of a knowledge society leading to all round socio- economic development of the nation and global competitiveness.
To devise, catalyze, support and sustain ICT and ICT enabled activities and processes in order to improve access, quality and efficiency in the school system.
Policy Goals
To achieve the above, the ICT Policy in School Education will endeavor to:
an environment to develop a community knowledgeable about ICT.
an ICT literate community which can deploy, utilize, benefit from ICT, and contribute to nation building.
an environment of collaboration, cooperation and sharing, conducive to the creation of a demand for optimal utilization of and optimum returns on the potentials of ICT in education
What is ICT?
Information and Communication Technologies are defined as all devices, tools, content, resources, forums, and services, digital and those that can be converted into or delivered through digital forms, which can be deployed for realizing the goals of teaching learning, enhancing access to and reach of resources, building of capacities, as well as management of the educational system.
These not only include hardware devices connected to computers, and software applications, but also interactive digital content, internet and other satellite communication devices, radio and television services, web-based content repositories, interactive forums, learning management systems, and management information systems. These also include processes for digitization, deployment and management of content, development and deployment of platforms and processes for capacity development, and creation of forums for interaction and exchange. Challenges before the Education System in India Concerns of reach and access to education continue to attract widespread attention from all segments of society. Following sustained initiatives spread over many decades, the country can today boast of perhaps one of the largest ever schooling systems. With increased throughput, and ever-increasing numbers of students aspiring for higher education, concerns of equity in education and issues of quality have also begun to attract attention.

The challenge of developing alternate modes of education, continuing education, teacher capacity building, information systems for efficient management of the school system are being addressed.

ICT enabled teaching – learning processes

ICT enabled teaching-learning encompasses a variety of techniques, tools, content, and resources aimed at improving the quality and efficiency of the teaching-learning process. Ranging from projecting media to support a lesson, to multimedia self-learning modules, to simulations to virtual learning environments, there are a variety of options available to the teacher to utilize various ICT tools for effective pedagogy. Each such device or strategy also involves changes in the classroom environment, and its bearing on effectiveness. Availability of a wide range of such teaching-learning materials will catalyze transformation of classrooms into ICTEnabled classrooms.

Teachers participate in selection and critical evaluation of digital content and resources. They are also encouraged to develop their own digital resources, sharing them with colleagues through the digital repositories.

Initially the teachers used the computer lab for teaching-learning but progressively more classrooms have been equipped with appropriate ICTs, making way for ICT Enabled classes.


Many organizations worldwide have reported an increase in cyber attacks. Security teams must dedicate significant time to protect their content from hackers, phishing, insider attacks, and more. That’s where the cybersecurity policy comes in. The policy protects the institution against any breach of the organization’s critical company data. This includes data stored across devices, networks, and the cloud. Safety measures within the policy will also help keep out unwanted guests and potential hackers. Two-factor authentication, encryption, and backups are all great examples of safety measures organizations should use. But what use is the policy without the right tools to help combat any cyber threats? It might be a unique WiFi password provider. The cyber security policy should cover the workplace compliance–something
that can vary by location and different laws. All reports are designed to cover private individual data and data security compliance for the organization.

Pro tip: As much as the technology helps to protect from cyber threats, it’s a constantly evolving battle. Regular training sessions with the employees to teach cyber awareness, such as spotting scam emails or using a VPN in public domains can be helpful.