DWPF Management

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Life Trustees
Salman Khurshid

Head Boy, DPS Mathura Road 1969 and former Minister of External affairs, Government Of India

Montek Singh Ahluwalia

DPS Mathura Road 1958 and former Deputy Chairman, planning commission


Manvendra Singh ‘Vindi’ Banga

DPS Mathura Road 1959 and Senior Partner, Clayton Dubilier and Rice, former CEo, Unilever India


Rajeev Talwar

Head Boy, DPS Mathura Road 1970 and CEO Of DLF


Subhash Goyal

DPS Mathura Road 1964 and CEo Of STIC Travels


Rajiv Bhatnagar

DPS, Mathura Road 1973 and CEO M J Group


Chintamani Rao

Former Vice Chairman, Times Global Broadcasting Co. & An Advisor to Times Private Treaties

Ashok Gandotra

DPS Mathura Road 1964 and test Cricketer


Ashlesha Madappa

Vice Head Girl, DPS Mathura Road 1969 and President, ABC International


Rajiv Soni

DPS Mathura Road 1976, President, Student Council & Dipsites Association


Meera Shah

DPS Mathura Road 1962 and Director, SAHEE, Bihar


Pradeep Pant

DPS Mathura Road 1970 and former CEO, FMCG and former president of Kraft Foods, Asia Pacific


Louise Khurshid

Parent of Zafar Khurshid, Head Boy, DPS R.K. Puram 2004 and Ex-MLA, Uttar pradesh


Dr. Rakshanda Jalil

DPS Mathura Road 1981 and Writer & Historian

Term Trustees
Ambika Soni

Member of Parliament and former Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India


Surendra Singh, IAS

Former Cabinet Secretary of India


Kumari Selja

Dipsite and Former Minister of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India


Anand K. Sethi

Renewable Energy Expert and Senior Advisor FINFUND


Girija K. Varma

Dipsite and Attorney specializing in Intellectual Property


Raman Sood

Dipsite and Managing Director of Eros Group


Ashish Mehta

Dipsite & Jurisdictional lawyer practising in Dubai, India and the United Kingdom.’


Sanjay Passi

President and CEO of Pasco Group

Dr. T.S. Kler

Parent of Dipsite and Executive Director, Cardiac Science & Head of Department of Cardiology, Fortis Escorts Heart Institute


Arun Mohan

Dipsite and Senior Advocate, Supreme Court


Poonam Arora

Dipsite and Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion at Grinnel College, lowa, USA


Dr. Harsh Mahajan

Dipsite and Director & Chief Radiologist, Mahajan Imaging


Sikandar Talwar

Dipsite and former Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, Delhi


Suhail Nathani

Co-Founder of Economic Laws Practice and Faculty Member of Jindal Global Law School


Mumtaz Ahmed

Dipsite and Leading Entrepreneur in Opticals


Rahul Sehgal

President, Nestor Pharmaceuticals

Advisory Council
Syeda Sayidain

Former Member Planning Commision Of India


Isher Judge Ahluwalia

Chairperson, Indian Council For Research and International

Economic Relations (ICRIER)


Sharmila Tagore

Actor and Social Activist


Sunita Kohli

Architecture Restore and Interior Designer


Suhel Seth

Columnistand Social Activist


Rita Sharma, IAS

Former Secretary, National Advisory Council


Rohit Bal

Dipsite and Fashion Designer


Mini Mathur

Dipsite & Ac

Richard Whitburn

Former Inspector of Schools, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Schools, UK


Ritu Kumar

Fashion Designer


Malvika Singh

Author and Publisher (SEMINAR)


Moses Manoharan

Editor-in-Chif, Global Dialogue Review


Mohd. Azharuddin

Former Indian Cricket Captain


Shibani Kashyap

Dipsite and Singer


Sonam Kalra

Sufi Singer

Education & Resource Council
June Fernandes

Founder Principal, DPS Rohini, Coordinator, DPS, Mathura Road


Santosh Mattu

Former Principal, DPS Doha Qatar, Head Mistress, DPS, Mathura Road


Kusum Kathuria

Former Vice Principal & HOD Sports, DPS Mathura Road


Parveen Rehman

Former HOD Geography & Hostel Warden, DPS Mathura Road


Indra Dewan

Former Pre P

Punam Kashyap

Director – ERC Former Principal DPS Kuwait, Ex Directtor GEMS Education


Deepa Raghavan

Associate Director – ERC DPSWF Former Vice Principal, DPS R.K. Puram


Vinita Mehra

Former Coordinator, DPS Vasant Kunj & Headmistress, DPS Susant Lok, Gurgaon


Santosh Jain

Former HOD Fine Arts, DPS Vasant Kunj

Aruna Ummat

Former Founder Principal, D