Alumni Testimonials

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Anurag Nandy

A student’s life is no less than a hurdle race. Some days are over in a breeze while some are like never ending storms. So, here’s what a regular day is like for a normal student A student’s day is not bound by a mere 24 hours. It starts much before the time the sun rises and ends when the moon shines bright during midnight, The hurdles that we need to clear are plenty and the challenges offered by them are of a wide range. The first one being waking up at the right time in the morning. We hear the ear melting music of our alarms and appropriately respond to it by snoozing it. When the race against time ends, another begins with a 130 horse power engine! Our success is measured by a drop off at a place where we are expected to submit projects on diverse topics which would probably be stashed away soon… yes, you guessed it right: School. We have a variety of subjects to study through the day, a whole lot of concepts to be internalised, and well, at least sometimes, all we want is the subject teachers to be absent, so we can enjoy substitutions or a Sports period. Add to the regular teaching periods coaching, self-study and homework… and it is a 9 to 5 assignment! It is very evident that the struggle in a student’s life is no less than that of an indentured laborer. The students obviously despise it, but later in their lives, the same students reminisce about the intensive labor with a lot of nostalgia and elation, for life in hindsight is always sweeter! And I know you might be thinking: How irrational can a student be? Thinking of the present as the worst period of life, but having no idea about how much worse it may get, going ahead!

Tanay Dubey

Life has its ups and downs - it is never constant. So many metaphors can be attributed to this wonderful life that instead of choosing a few to mention and neglecting the beauty of the others, I would much rather say that life is a poetic culmination of every human experience and emotion - joy and sadness, success and failure, relief and regret, all of it, and perhaps, the greatest mistake of my life was not realizing this very fact. The way I used to look at things was very monochromatic; I felt as if I was either ‘malding in the depths of Mariana Trench’ or ‘soaring above the icy peak of Mt. Everest’.  I only saw failure or success, and I never noticed progress, nor did I settle somewhere that isn’t one of the very extreme ends of the spectrum of human emotion. This way of viewing the world is in fact, the most efficient way to kill every human experience in cold blood. It is like taking a picture of a sunset in black in white. I finally realize that life is not the destination but the journey, not the Mariana Trench nor the peaks of Mt. Everest, but the voyage through the experiences it has to offer, the struggle, joy and that one feeling which is impossible to put into words but inarguably one of the best feelings ever - the experience of reaching a peak from your rock bottom. That, in my opinion, is the greatest thing about the indomitable human spirit, and that is what I’ve learned from the greatest mistake of my life.

Mradul Sharma

Principal Mam Dwps: I have been bestowed with the esteemed opportunity to contribute to the welfare of my nation through my induction into the distinguished institution of NDA Khadakwasla. The National Defence Academy stands as an eminent establishment, heralding the confluence of training for the Indian Armed Forces’ triumvirate—the Indian Army, the Indian Navy, and the Indian Air Force. I am highly indebted to Delhi World Public School, Noida Extension which has been more than mere academia to me; it was a cherished chapter that I wished would never end. The tenderness and benevolence shown by my mentors evoke nothing but gratitude. The institution fortified my mettle and self-assurance to exude confidence even in the presence of multitudes ardently aspire to reciprocate the school's munificence someday.

Prateek Shahi

The esteemed institution of DWPS served as the bedrock for my personal development, fostering a resilient framework. Under the guidance of proficient mentors and through the auspices of the school's visionary management, I cultivated a poised and discerning perspective towards life's intricacies. I successfully concluded a demanding two-month finance training program at the distinguished Acme grade, duly accredited by the renowned IIM Ahmedabad. Furthermore, my exceptional CUET score propelled me towards pursuing a Bachelor of Commerce Honours course at the esteemed (SRCC) Shri Ram College of Commerce. Within the realm of my internship, I triumphantly executed a financial modelling project, elevating my skill set to new heights.

Akshat Shashi

Principal Mam Dwps: My revered alma mater, the illustrious DWPS, instilled a steadfast foundation imperative for constructing a resilient edifice. Guided by erudite mentors, endowed with opportunities by the school's administration, and under the tutelage of our exceptional principal, Ms. Jyoti Arora, I refined my outlook and demeanour towards life. Currently, I am actively immersed in an internship at Siska (Manchester, US), specializing in the intricate realm of machine learning within the field of computer science.

Aviral Hatwal

Principal Mam Dwps: I am currently pursuing the esteemed B.Tech program at IIIT Lucknow, delving into the captivating field of interdisciplinary Computer Science with a focus on business applications. Without a doubt, my educational institution, DWPSNE, has assumed a pivotal position in moulding my personal maturation and advancement. It has bestowed upon me an extraordinary milieu, sparking an ardent fervour that propels me unwaveringly towards the pursuit of distinction, the broadening of intellectual horizons, the profound appreciation of every precious encounter, and the wholehearted embrace of the multifaceted facets inherent in life's odyssey.

Navya Vishwakarma

Struggling to finish your assignments on time? Finding it difficult to juggle schoolwork, coaching tasks, and self-study? Many of us face challenges in meeting assignment deadlines, often due to the habit of procrastination, which leads to a backlog of work. Personally, I've always been known for completing my work on time. In fact, in 7th grade, I was labeled "Ms. Complete Work." Wondering how I manage to consistently meet deadlines? Here are some useful tips for you. The key is to GET STARTED on your assignments. I believe in completing work on the day it's assigned. First, find a suitable study area, then CREATE A TIMETABLE that includes all the tasks assigned for the day. I usually make a daily to-do list of my assignments and then create a quick timetable, sometimes breaking down larger tasks into manageable parts. I make an effort to stick to this routine without procrastinating. It's important to note that not all tasks need to be completed in a single day, PRIORITIZE your work based on deadlines. One common reason for missed deadlines is distractions such as social media, television, or people. The solution lies in MANAGING these DISTRACTIONS. While you can't completely eliminate social media or TV, you can use them as REWARDS. For example, you could plan to complete your Physics assignment first and then reward yourself with 15-20 minutes of social media browsing. This approach has been beneficial for me as I'm able to complete my work on time while still enjoying some time on social media, helping me maintain a BALANCED LIFESTYLE. It's not always easy to follow these tips, but giving your BEST EFFORT is what matters most. Here's one more personal tip: I always tackle the most CHALLENGING TASK FIRST and then handle the easier, smaller tasks. Some may suggest the opposite, but I find that tackling the toughest task first is more enjoyable and helps me view it as a challenge. That's all from me on following these tips to become "Ms. Complete Work." Give them a try, and you might also become "Mr./Ms. Complete Work."