Budding Orators
An Inter- school English Pick and Speak competition was conducted in Noida International Public School on 19th August 2017. Pulastya Singh of class VIII secured first position and Anvi Tyagi of class VI-A bagged the second position.
Art Achiever’s
The students of the school once again displayed their various talents in Aster Public School, GreaterNoida West on 31st August 2017 where the students of class V secured the first position in poster-making competition thus displaying their artistic skills.
Names of winners in Poster making: First Position – Class V
- 1. Devyanshi Bajpai
- 2. Iraa Nagar
- 3. Trisha
- 4. Kanishka
Young Reciters
A Group Recitation competition was held in Aster Public School, Greater Noida West on 31st August 2017. The budding poets from classes I& II participated in the competition and brought laurels to the school by bagging the third position
Names of Winners in Group Recitation: Third Position – Class I & II
- 1. Akash Sarkar Class IA
- 2. Anya Gautam Class IA
- 3. Vihaan Class IB
- 4. Nivaan Class IB
- 5. Oriana Class IIA
- 6. Arin Class IIA
- 7. Vani Class IIB
- 8. Palash Class IIB
- 9. Yashika Class IIB
- 10. Agastya Class IIB
Our Zesty Dancers
The students of class VIII brought chills in the audience in Inter School Dance Competition held in Aster Public School, Greater Noida West held on 31st August 2017 by their foot tapping dance and bagged third position.
Names of Winners in Tap your feet: Third Position Class VIII
- 1. AaryanRawat
- 2. Aditya Saini
- 3. Anika Sharma
- 4. Dhruv Sharma
- 5. Harshita Kumari
- 6. Harsh Singh
- 7. Kaya Srivastava
- 8. Khushi Tyagi
- 9. Maanshvi Sharma
- 10. Prashant Bhatti
- 11. Rishabh Yadav
- 12. Saloni Gupta
- 13. Vinayak Gaur
- 14. Siddhant
Budding Dancers
An Inter- School Literary and cultural competition was held in Sarvottam International School, Noida on 6th& 7th November respectively. Students of Delhi World Public School, Noida Extension bagged the first position in the ‘Spirit of Dance’ where the students of classes VI-VIII presented an Indian Folk Dance and mesmerized the audience with their unique and heart throbbing dance steps.
Names of the Winners in Spirit of Dance: First Position
- 1. Anvi Tyagi
- 2. HetalKohli VI-A
- 3. AahanaBajpai VI-A
- 4. Taashvi VI-B
- 5. Taavishi VI-B
- 6. UditaVI-B
- 7. Himesh VII
- 8. Saanvi Srivastav VII
- 9. Kaya Srivastav VIII
- 10. Anika Sharma VIII
Creative Hands
Students of class V Divyanshi and Trisha once again outshined their competitors by displaying their creative talent in Sarvottam International School on 6th November and bagged the first position in Best out of Waste competition.
Rangoli artists
Our young and talented artists Siyona and Aanya, students of classes VI-B secured third position in Rangoli making competition held on 7th November at Sarvottam International School, Noida
Our MUN Stars
Model United Nations was organized by GD Goenka Public School, East Delhi in association with DAIS INDIA from 4th to 6th May 2017.Thestudentdelegatesfrommorethan50schools across Dehli-NCR participated in this prestigious event. The student delegates represented various countries from across the globe in 5 different committees – the UNGA, the UNEP, the UNW, the UNHRC, and the UNESCO. Our School also sent delegation comprising 8 students from classes VII and VIII.Themembersof the delegationwere Harsh Khatri, AbhinavMishra, Anika Sharma, Siddhant Dutta Chowdhury,HarshitaKumari,HarshSingh, Maayra andKhushiTyagi.Mr. Kamal Aggarwal, the librarianaccompaniedthedelegation.
Harshita Kumari of class VIII was honoured with Special Mention Award.
National Children Science Congress
Students of Delhi World Public School, Noida Extension participate in various science competitions which test theinnovativeness in the respective field. This year a team from our school has been selected out of about 300 entries at the district level of the prestigious NCSE and are preparing for the state level round.